If the world was fair, chocolate would not be fattening and men would give birth to babies.
Oj va ja er glad et int ja hitta na igår på mellandasrea. Kom baa heim me na orginalpris-billi smink från h&m. Jaa å tå var vi ju me flickona å ita ti Pedrinas!
Måråndas planer er vell ti fösök suta na nyårsnagla åt me. Åså sko ja kona ta å fa ut å gaa. Elder naa.

Måråndas planer er vell ti fösök suta na nyårsnagla åt me. Åså sko ja kona ta å fa ut å gaa. Elder naa.

A man found a bottle washed upon the shore. When he opened it a genie popped out who gave him three wishes. He wished for a million dollars and poof... there was a million dollars. Then he wished for a convertible and poof... there was a convertible. Lastly, he wished he could be irresistible to all women and poof... he turned into a box of chocolates.